Fox Pouch - 0.1.4 Update

I'm bringing this update just to make a UI Overhaul which make the UI slightly better in terms of usability and user prefference. Some people like having the Grid Mode like Epic Games Game lib, and others just the List Mode like Steam Game Lib.

On the main screen now we have the last time the user played the game, the game images is on horizontal (Which is way better than before), and now you have the counter for how much games do you have and the list mode.

The list mode is not yet finished for complete like the UI and some functionalities that i want to implement, but the view of a list is way better for some (like me) that like this type of organization. It's smaller and you can see way more games that you have.

This is the Dev Log of the week and i hope you all enjoyed. Keep the eyes open for the next updates! I'm going to implement some better way to add the images, a way that you don't need to select like this everytime, a game page for you own off-line screenshots and some other UI Overhauls. See ya next time!


FoxPouch-0.1.4.rar 2.5 MB
Feb 22, 2024

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Cada passo mesmo que curto tem sempre um grande significado e muito peso em aprendizado. Tenho orgulho de acompanhar o projeto desde o começo espero estar aqui para ver esse dev crescer e se tornar maior todos os dias. Ótimo primeiro update!